Colorful art & great to use as wallpapers, the animation quality in 2014 is truly amazing! I'm simply impress by how anime just look better and better every season - and so far, I'm really loving this anime season, lots of interesting anime that are keeping my interest!
Now, this anime in particular is not something I normally watch; anime about cute girls doing cute things? It's enjoyable in short doses, but when it's the main focus of the anime? Normally doesn't peak my interest. However, the opening song......
OMG!!! COMPLETE MOE OVERLOAD!!! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
I discovered this song while browsing through osu! - a free music rhythm game that I highly recommend!! Simply put, someone I used to talk to in this game mapped this song and let's just say, our music taste is REALLY similar. The thing I like about this game is: I always discover a new song I like everyday and it's so easy to find people with similar music taste to you here (so hard to find someone with the same music taste as me in real life!). Miss this game so much, I might play it again one day!
The song itself is a pleasant surprise. Pop songs are always "simple" & "catchy," this song is no exception. There are multiple singers in the song and I feel the composer really know what he's doing; they all sound great and in harmony with each other which is simply fantastic. I've listen to songs before where there is say a duet, and it felt like they were literally forced into a room together to sing the next opening/ending theme for [insert anime name here].
I love the instrument playing at 0:27 (string instrument?) and the bells at 0:30 & 0:36. Love how it compliments the previous vocal melody and the emphasis of the vocal on 0:32 & 0:37, love that too! And isn't the lyric soooooo cute~? It's my dream to compose a song one day, I hope I can make songs like this in the future!
The accompanying video is also well done. Sometimes, I listen to a song, think it's catchy then watch the MV of it and feel completely disappointed because the person who made the video didn't put any effort to match the video to the rhythm of the music at all!!! Fortunately, this isn't the case and thanks to the video, I love the song that much more! You can't deny it, the video is soooooo cute~!!!!
So in short, watching this anime just because i like the song :P
Here are some screen caps of my favorite "moments" in the opening video.
The plot in this anime is basically "cute girls doing cute things" and the setting in this case is in a coffee cafe. This episode is basically all about a girl, named "Cocoa" who moved into the town. Her new home is a coffee cafe. The whole episode is about her getting used to living & working there.
So the episode starts out with Cocoa, the overly cheerful, energetic and optimistic girl. First impression is always important, what's going to hap-
I suddenly love rabbits~ |
SOLD! I mean, cute, I mean, totally taking her home with me, I mean, Rabbits. Are. Cool. Solid first impression so far, what about the other charac-
Sparkling anime girl eyes, GET ME EVERYTIME :@@@@ |
So the anime name translates to, "Is the order a rabbit?" This means there MUST be a rabbit right?
Side notes: blue hair girl name is "Chino." She is shy, but reliable and hardworking.
Side notes: blue hair girl name is "Chino." She is shy, but reliable and hardworking.
Kore wa.... USAGI KA?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
For some reason, I think this "rabbit" is a pig!
Random: the rabbit is on Chino's head and apparently... IT CAN TALK????????????????????????
Random: the rabbit is on Chino's head and apparently... IT CAN TALK????????????????????????
That dedication! |
Wow, is this how coffee is made in a REAL coffee shop? I never knew there was such a fine art to making coffee! If anyone is in the "coffee trade," let me know what a "Blue Mountain," "Colombian," and "Kilimanjaro" coffee are, thanks.
Doki~ Doki~ |
Why is she holding the tray like that? Oh well, for the "cute" factor, right? Also, I learned a new word, "ventriloquism."
Dreamland |
I wonder what sort of things they're going to do next!! Are they going to do "that" or "that" or "that that." Wait... wrong anime.
[Random zoom in to Chino's face] |
[More random zoom in to Chino's face] |
Is it really that embarrassing to call somebody "onee-chan (elder sister)?"
Now we have a gun... o_o
Purple haired girl name is "Lize", almost a tomboy, likes to act strong and pretends be a lone wolf, but in reality, she likes being with other people.
Purple haired girl name is "Lize", almost a tomboy, likes to act strong and pretends be a lone wolf, but in reality, she likes being with other people.
>_< |
The reason this emoticon is so popular!
Usagi mimi~ |
"They're working at a "rabbit cafe" so why don't they put on rabbit ears?" is what Cocoa is trying to say.
"Cafe FLOOFY!" |
The name came from the mascot of the cafe which is a rabbit, but the mascot doesn't even look like a rabbit! So why not change the name?
Floofy = mix of the words poofy & fluffy
Floofy = mix of the words poofy & fluffy
Kyah~ |
Somebody seems to like that name a lot.
Latte art |
Never knew you could make art with latte!
More latte art |
Pretty interesting, I might try it out if I ever get a chance!
Now entering uncharted territory |
Latte art suddenly took a sudden, very serious, turn.
UWAH~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
.Yep, my reaction too because that was IMPOSSIBLE!!!!
Usagi~ |
This one is cute though.
... |
No idea what this is.
That lighting effect |
Seriously, it looks amazing!
Chino :3 |
Putting this screen cap here for no particular reason.
Cooking stuff |
No particular reason for this one either.
[Stare] |
Or this one.
o.o |
This is how you beg for stuff (in a cute way). I might have a thing for ponytails after all.
Uhmmm.................. |
I'm I still watching the same anime?
Boku wa totemo shiawase desu~ |
!!@!@!@!@@!@!!!!@!!!@!!!! |
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, MOE OVERLOAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Me = Dead] |
I died.
[Me = Dead x2] |
Yep, the only reason I'm watching this is because of Chino-chan.
Overall, does what I expect it to do, if not, a whole lot better than expected. Nothing really happened, but a nice relaxing anime to watch considering there's another anime airing this season based off a manga by the author who wrote Elfen Lied and it's very likely that it's going to be quite sad so, always nice to have a change of pace.
(Actual reason I'm watching this: I LOVE CHINO-CHAN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait to see the other girls and more cute moments!!! DYING FOR THE FULL VERSION OF THE OPENING SONG!!!! The lyric is just too cute~
(Ending song was meh for me)
(Ending song was meh for me)
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